
Essential English Abbreviations for Languages Learners

§  a., adj. = adjective
§  abbrev. = abbreviated
§  abl. = ablative
§  Abp. = Archbishop
§  acc. = accusative
§  Acous. = Acoustics
§  act. = active
§  adv. = adverb
§  Agric. = Agriculture
§  Alban. = Albanian
§  Alg. = Algebra
§  Am., Amer. = America, American
§  Am. = Amos
§  Am. Cyc. = Appleton's American Cyclopedia
§  Anal. Geom. = Analytical Geometry
§  Anat. = Anatomy
§  Anc. = Ancient, anciently
§  Angl. Ch. = Anglican Church
§  Antiq. = Aniquities
§  aor. = aorist
§  Ar. = Arabic
§  Arch. = Architecture
§  Arch. Pub. Soc. = Architectural Pub. Society
§  Arith. = Arithmetic
§  Arm., Armor. = Armorican
§  AS. = Anglo-Saxon. We classify this as "Old English", so use {{etyl|ang}}.
§  Astrol. = Astrology
§  Astron. = Astronomy
§  aug. = augmentative
§  Bank. = Banking
§  Beau. & Fl. = Beaumont & Fletcher
§  B. & Fl. = Beaumont & Fletcher
§  Bib. = Biblical
§  Bib. Sacra = Bibliotheca Sacra
§  Bibliog. = Bibliography
§  Biol. = Biology
§  Bisc. = Biscayan
§  B. Jon. = Ben Jonson
§  Bk. of Com. Prayer = Book of Common Prayer
§  Blackw. Mag. = Blackwood's Magazine
§  Bohem. = Bohemian
§  Bot. = Botany, botanical
§  Bp. = Bishop
§  Brande & C. = Brande & Cox
§  Braz. = Brazilian
§  Brit. Critic = British Critic
§  Brit. Quar. Rev. = British Quarterly Review
§  Burl. = Burlesque
§  C. = Centigrade
§  Cant. = Canticles (Song of Solomon)
§  Carp. = Carpentry
§  Catal. = Catalan
§  Cath. Dict. = Catholic Dictionary
§  Celt. = Celtic
§  cf. = confer
§  Ch. = Church
§  Chald. = Chaldee
§  Chem. = Chemistry
§  Ch. Hist. = Church History
§  Chin. = Chinese
§  Chron. = Chronology, Chronicles
§  Civ. = Civil
§  Class. = Classical
§  Class. Myth. = Classical Mythology
§  Col. = Colossians
§  colloq., coll. = colloquial, colloquially
§  Com. = Commerce, Common
§  comp. = compound, compounded, composition
§  compar. = comparative
§  conj. = conjunction
§  Con. Sect. = Conic Sections
§  contr. = contracted, contraction
§  Copt. = Coptic
§  Corn. = Cornish
§  corrupt. = corrupted, corruption
§  Cotgr. = Cotgrave
§  Cyc. Med. = Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine
§  Crim. Law = Criminal Law
§  Crystallog. = Crystallography
§  Cyc. = Cyclopedia
§  D. = Dutch (sometimes Daniel)
§  Dan. = Danish
§  dat. = dative
§  def. = definitions
§  Deut. = Deuteronomy
§  Dial. = Dialectic
§  dim. = diminutive
§  Diosc. = dioscorides
§  Disp. = Dispensatory
§  Disus. = Disused
§  Dom. Econ. = Domestic Economy
§  Dublin Univ. Mag. = Dublin University Magazine
§  Dyn. = Dynamics
§  E. = English
§  Eccl. = Ecclesiastical, Ecclesiastes
§  Eccl. Hist. = Ecclesiastical History
§  Ecclus. = Ecclesiasticus
§  Eclec. Rev. = Eclectic Review
§  Ed. Rev. = Edinburgh Review
§  e. g. = <it>exempli gratia</it> (for example)
§  Egypt. = Egyptian
§  Elect. = Electricity, Electrical
§  emph. = emphatic
§  Encyc. = Encyclopedia
§  Encyc. Amer. = Encyclopedia Americana
§  Encyc. Crit. = Encyclopedia Britannica
§  Encyc. Dict. = Hunter's Encyclopedic Dictionary
§  Eng. = England, English
§  Eng. = Engraving
§  Eng. Cyc. = English Cyclopedia
§  Engin. = Engineering
§  Eol. = Eolic
§  Eph., Ephes. = Ephesians
§  equiv. = equivalent
§  Esd. = Esdras
§  esp. = especially
§  Etch. & Eng. = Etching & Engraving
§  Ethnol. = Ethnology
§  etym., etymol. = etymology
§  Ex., Exod. = Exodus
§  Ezek. = Ezekiel
§  F. = French
§  f., fem. = feminine
§  Fahr. = Fahrenheit
§  Far. = Farriery
§  Feud. = Feudal
§  Fig. = Figurative, figuratively
§  Fin. = Finnish
§  For. Quart. Rev. = Foreign Quarterly Review
§  Fort. = Fortification
§  Fr. = French
§  fr. = from
§  freq. = frequentative
§  Fries. = Friesic
§  fut. = future
§  G. = German - use {{etyl|de}}
§  Gael. = Gaelic
§  Gal. = Galen
§  Gal. = Galatians
§  Galv. = Galvanism
§  gen. = generally, genitive
§  Geneal. = Genealogy
§  Gent. Mag. = Gentleman's Magazine
§  Geog. = Geography
§  Geol. = Geology
§  Geom. = Geometry
§  Ger. = Germanic or German
§  Gk. = Greek
§  Goth. = Gothic
§  Gov. of Tongue = Government of the Tongue
§  Gr. = Greek
§  Gram. = Grammar
§  Gris. = Grisons
§  Gun. = Gunnery
§  H. = High
§  Hab. = Habakkuk
§  Hag. = Haggai
§  Ham. Nav. Encyc. = Hamersly's Naval Encyclopedia
§  Heb. = Hebrew
§  Her. = Heraldry
§  Hind. = Hindostanee
§  Hipp. = Hippocrates
§  Hist. = History
§  Horol. = Horology
§  Hort. = Horticulture
§  Hung. = Hungarian
§  Hydraul. = Hydraulics
§  Hydros. = Hydrostatics
§  hypoth. = hypothetical
§  i. e. = <it>id est</it> (that is)
§  Icel. = Icelandic
§  Illust. = Illustration, Illustrated
§  imp. = imperfect
§  Imp. Dict. = Imperial Dictionary
§  incho. = inchoative
§  ind. = indicative
§  indef. = indefinite
§  inf. = infinitive
§  intens. = intensive
§  interj. = interjection
§  Internat. Cyc. = International Cyclopeia
§  Ion. = Ionic
§  i. q. = <it>idem quod</it> (the same as)
§  Ir. = Irish
§  Is., Isa. = Isaiah
§  It. = Italian
§  Jap. = Japanese
§  Jas. = James
§  Jav. = Javanese
§  Jer. = Jeremiah
§  Join. = Joinery
§  Josh. = Joshua
§  Judg. = Judges
§  K. = Kings
§  L. = Latin
§  L. = Low
§  Lam. = Lamentations
§  Lapp. = Lappish
§  Lat. = Latin
§  LD. = Low Dutch
§  Lett. = Lettish
§  Lev. = Leviticus
§  LG. = Low German
§  LGr. = Low Greek
§  Linn. = Linnæus
§  Lit., lit. = Literally, literally
§  Lit. = Literature
§  Lith. = Lithuanian
§  LL. = Late Latin - {{LL.}}
§  M. = Middle
§  m., masc. = masculine
§  Maced. = Macedonian
§  Mach. = Machinery
§  Mad. = Madam
§  Mag. = Magazine
§  Mal. = Malachi
§  Malay. = Malayan
§  Man. = Manège
§  Manuf. = Manufacturing
§  Mar. = Maritime
§  Math. = Mathematics, Mathematical
§  Matt. = Matthew
§  ME. = Middle English - {{etyl|enm}}
§  Mech. = Mechanic
§  Med. = Medicine
§  Metal. = Metallurgy
§  Metaph. = Metaphysics
§  Meteor. = Meteorolgy
§  mgr. = milligrams
§  MHG. = Middle High German - {{etyl|gmh}}
§  Micros. = Microscopy
§  Mil. = Military
§  Min. = Mineralogy
§  Mir. for Mag. = Mirror for Magistrates
§  MLG. = Middle Low German
§  Moham. = Mohammedan
§  Mozley & W. = Mozley & Whiteley
§  Mus. = Music
§  Myst. = Mysteries
§  Myth. = Mythology
§  N. = New
§  n. = noun
§  Nat. Hist. = Natural History
§  Nat. ord. = Natural order
§  Naut. = Nautical
§  Nav. = Navy
§  Navig. = Navigation
§  N. Brit. Rev. = North British Review
§  Neh. = Nehemiah
§  neut. = neuter
§  New Am. Cyc. = New American Cyclopedia
§  New Month. Mag. = New Monthly Magazine
§  NF. = New French
§  NGr. = Mew Greek
§  NHeb. = New Hebrew
§  NL. = New Latin - {{NL.}}
§  nom. = nominative
§  Norm. F. = Norman French
§  North Am. Rev. = North American Review
§  Norw. = Norwegian
§  Num. = Numbers
§  Numis. = Numismatics
§  O. = Old
§  Ob. = Obadiah
§  obs. = obsolete
§  Obsoles. = Obsolescent
§  OCelt. = Old Celtic
§  OD. = Old Dutch - {{etyl|odt}}
§  ODan. = Old Danish
§  OE. = Old English. We classify this as the early part of "Middle English", so use template {{etyl|enm}}. See the Webster 1913 entry on "English"
§  OF. = Old French - {{etyl|fro}}
§  OFelm. = Old Flemish
§  OFris., OFries. = Old Frisian (Old Friesic)- {{etyl|ofs}}
§  OGael. = Old Gaelic
§  OGr. = Old Greek
§  OHG. = Old High German - {{etyl|goh}}
§  OIcel. = Old Icelandic
§  OIt. = Old Italian
§  OL. = Old Latin
§  Olr. (typo) or OIr = Old Irish - {{etyl|sga}}
§  ON. = Old Norse - {{etyl|non}}
§  OLG. = Old Low German
§  OPer. = Old Persian - {{etyl|peo}}
§  OPg. = Old Portuguese
§  OPol. = Old Polish
§  Opt. = Optics
§  orig. = original, originally
§  Ornith. = Ornithology
§  OS. = Old Saxon - {{etyl|osx}}
§  OSlav. = Old Slavic
§  OSp. = Old Spanish - {{etyl|osp}}
§  Oxf. Gloss. = Oxford Glossary of Architecture
§  p. = participle, page
§  p. a. = participial adjective
§  Paint. = Painting
§  Paleon. = Paleontology
§  pass. = passive
§  Pathol. = Pathology
§  P. Cyc. = Penny Cyclopedia
§  Per. = Persian
§  perh. = perhaps
§  pers. = person
§  Persp. = Perspective
§  Pert. = Pertaining
§  Peruv. = Peruvian
§  Pet. = Peter
§  Pg. = Portuguese
§  Pharm. = Pharmacy, Pharmacopœia
§  Phil. = Phillipians
§  Philem. = Philemon
§  Philol. = Philology
§  Philos. = Philosophy
§  Phon. = Phonetics
§  Photog. = Photography
§  Photom. = Photometry
§  Phren. = Phrenology
§  Phys. = Physics
§  Phys. Sci. = Physical Science
§  Physiol. = Physiology
§  pl. = plural
§  Poet. = Poetry, Poetical
§  Pol. = Polish
§  Pol. Econ. = Political Economy
§  Polit. Econ. = Political Economy
§  Pop. Sci. Monthly = Polular Science Monthly
§  pp. = pages
§  P. Plowman = Piers Plowman
§  p.p. = past participle
§  p.pr., p.ple. = present participle
§  Pr. = Provençal
§  Pref. = Preface
§  pref. = prefix
§  prep. = preposition
§  pres. = present
§  pret. = preterit
§  prin. = principally
§  Print. = Printing
§  priv. = privative
§  prob. = probably
§  pron. = Pronunciation, pronounced, pronoun
§  prop. = properly
§  Pros. = Prosody
§  prov. = provincial
§  Prov. = Provincial
§  Prov. = Proverbs
§  Ps., Psa. = Psalms
§  Pyro.-elect. = Pyro-electricity
§  Quart. Rev. = Quarterly Review
§  q. v. = <it>quod vide</it> (which see)
§  R. = Rare
§  R. C. = Roman Catholic
§  R. C. Ch. = Roman Catholic Church
§  Rep. Sec. of War = Report of Secretary of War
§  Rev. = Revelation
§  Rev. = Review
§  Rev. Ver. = Revised Version (of the Bible)
§  Rhet. = Rhetoric
§  R. of Brunne = Robert of Brunne
§  R. of Gl. = Robert of Gloucester
§  Rom. = Roman, Romans
§  Rom. Cath. = Roman Catholic
§  Rom. of R. = Romaunt of the Rose
§  Rpts. = reports
§  Russ. = Russian
§  Sam. = Samaritan
§  Sam. = Samuel
§  Sat. Rev. = Saturday Review
§  Sax. = Saxon
§  sc. = <it>scilicet</it> (being understood)
§  Scand. = Scandinavian
§  Sci. = Science
§  Sci. Am. = Scientific American
§  Scot. = Scotland, Scottish
§  Script. = Scripture, Scriptural
§  Sculp. = Sculpture
§  Serb = Serbian
§  Serv. = Servian
§  Shak. = Shakespeare
§  sing. = singular
§  Skr. = Sanskrit
§  Slav. = Slavonic
§  Sp. = Spanish
§  Specif. = Specifically
§  Stat. = Statuary
§  subj. = subjunctive
§  superl. = superlative
§  Surg. = Surgery
§  Surv. = Surveying
§  Sw. = Swedish
§  Syd. Soc. Lex. = Sydenham Society Lexicon
§  Syn. = Synonyms
§  Synop. = Synopsis
§  Syr. = Syriac
§  Tart. = Tartaric
§  Teleg. = Telegraphy
§  term. = termination
§  Test. = Testament
§  Theol. = Theology
§  Thes. = Thessalonians
§  Tim. = Timothy
§  Todd & B. = Todd & Bowman
§  Trans. = Translation
§  Treas. = Treasury
§  Trig. = Trigonometry
§  Turk. = Turkish
§  Typog. = Typography
§  Univ. = University
§  Up. = Upper
§  U. S. = United States
§  U. S. Disp. = United States Dispensatory
§  U. S. Pharm. = United States Pharmacopœia
§  U. S. Int. Rev. Statutes = United States Internal Revenue Statutes
§  usu. = usually
§  v. = verb
§  v.i. = intransitive verb
§  v.t. = transitive verb
§  var. = variety
§  vb.n. = verbal noun
§  Veter. = Veterinary
§  Vitr. = Vitruvius
§  W. = Welsh
§  Wall. = Wallachian
§  Westm. Cat. = Westminster Catechism
§  Westm. Rev. = Westminster Review
§  Zech. = Zechariah
§  Zeph. = Zephaniah
§  Zoöl. = Zoölogy

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